You are here: Case management > Building a form > Reusable components > Reusing a form

Reusing a form

After you build a form for a step in a case type, you can embed it on other forms. For example, you can prompt users to review their employment history by embedding the Work History form in the Confirmation form.

To reuse a form:

  1. Open a case type in Case Designer, and click a step in a stage.

  2. Click Configure form to open Form Builder.

  3. In the Reuse fields panel, click Forms to display a list of available forms.

    The icon indicates that a form is embedded on your current form.

  4. Hover on the drag handle icon next to a form name and drag it from the Reuse fields panel to your form.

    A row with field type set to Form is displayed. The fields within the reused form are not displayed.

  5. Optional: Drag the reused form to a new position on the current form.

  6. Click Submit.

At run time, the fields that are defined in the reused form are displayed as read-only values.

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